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Posts Tagged ‘Brian Trusdell’

Today’s News 10-15-2021

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October 15th, 2021

Dems Want to Soak the Rich by Snooping on the Poor

(Reason – Matt Welch) *Lead Story*

Report: Kyrsten Sinema Privately Told Democrats She Will Not Support Reconciliation Bill Before Infrastructure

(Breitbart – Paul Bois) *Must Read*

Blue-city politics meets wokester academia in Los Angeles: Corruption as far as the eye can see

(American Thinker – Monica Showalter)

Garland blasted for unleashing FBI on school board squabbles

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson)

Loudoun County Update: Family Of Alleged Rape Victim To Sue School District

(Daily Wire – Charlotte Pence Bond) *Must Read*

Christopher Rufo on Walmart’s anti-racist training

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Halloween parade cancelled over complaints it ‘marginalizes people of colour’

(Post Millennial – Angelo Isidorou)

NBA Player Got Blood Clots From COVID Vaccine that Ends His Season – NBA Told Him to Keep It Quiet

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

‘Hold the line’: Chicago police union head urges officers to defy Mayor Lightfoot’s COVID vaccine mandate, threatens 50% fewer cops this weekend

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

NBC Ignores Loudoun Rapes, Smears Parents Opposed to CRT, Edits Audio

(NewsBusters – Nicholas Fondacaro) *Must Read*

Fire Marine Corps Commandant David Berger

(FrontPage Mag –  Daniel Greenfield)

January 6 Update: Five Things You Might Have Missed

(PJ Media – Kevin Downey Jr)

Was January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’?

(American Greatness – Julie Kelly)

Ashli Babbitt’s Mother to Newsmax: My Daughter Was Murdered

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

California’s Continuing Collapse

(Powerline – Steven Hayward)

LinkedIn Kowtows to Communist China by Creating Spin-Off That Will Stifle Speech

(Washington Free Beacon – Santi Ruiz) *Must Read*

Joe Biden’s Commission on Court Packing, Term Limits, and Other SCOTUS Reforms Releases Draft Report Materials

(Townhall – Rebecca Downs)

‘CNN And Don Lemon Are Pathetic’: Glenn Greenwald Slams Network’s Double-Down On Joe Rogan Taking ‘Horse Dewormer’

(Daily Caller – Katie Jerkovich)

Zuckerbucks 101: How A Media Mogul Took Over The 2020 Election And Why GOP Leaders Must Never Let It Happen Again

(The Federalist – Kylee Zempel)

University Celebrates ‘Plus Size Appreciation Day,’ Cancels Columbus and Pronoun Privilege

(Red State – Alex Parker)

Today’s News 9-25-2021

Posted by
September 24th, 2021

Biden Screws Canada, Bows to China

(Frontpage Mag – Daniel Greenfield) *Lead Story*

One brave woman ripped down the perverted ads on the New York subway

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg) *Must Read*

Numbers game: 10,000 Del Rio migrants processed — leaked figures show how many were released

(Washington Examiner – Anna Giaritelli)

John Stossel SUES Facebook, Says Platform Fact-Checker Claimed He Pushed Misleading Info

(NewsBusters – Alexander Hall)

5 False Narratives About The Spygate Indictment Of Michael Sussmann

(The Federalist – Margot Cleveland) *Must Read*

It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump With Fake Russia Hoax

(PJ Media – Victoria Taft)

Arizona Vote Auditors Raise Biden Total, Claim Numerous Anomalies

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

Loudoun County changes rules to prevent Matt Walsh from speaking at school board, so Walsh becomes resident

(Post Millennial – Hannah Nightingale)

Woman soldier assaulted at Fort Bliss refugee camp for Afghans

(Hot Air –  John Sexton)

The death of Americans’ financial privacy

(Washington Times – Tom Basile)

A Plan to End Banking as We Know It

(Rogue Economics – Bill Bonner) *Must Read*

Rubio Targets ‘Tyranny’ Of ‘Nationless’ Woke Corporations In New Bill

(Daily Wire – Leif Le Mahieu)

A New Lawsuit Says Wilmington Is Running an Unconstitutional Towing and Impound Racket

(Reason – C.J. Ciaramella) *Must Read*

Taiwan Deploys ‘Anti-Aircraft Missiles’ Against Chinese PLA Incursion

(Breitbart – Gabrielle Reyes)

Biden Insults American Press and Shuts Down Indian PM From Taking Questions During Meeting

(Red State – Nick Arama)

Are Hospitals Actually Being Overrun By COVID-19?

(Daily Caller – Dylan Housman)

Multiple House Republicans back bill to slap down Biden administration vaccine mandates

(The Blaze – Alex Nitzberg)

Are the Dems Winning the Political Vaccine Wars?

(News With Views – Cliff Kincaid)

“Vaccinated up the wazoo,” two on The View get covid

( –  Don Surber)

Green Groups Thwarting Geothermal Solutions to Energy Problems

(Washington Free Beacon – Santi Ruiz) *Must Read*

Today’s News 2-6-2021

Posted by
February 6th, 2021

Lincoln Project Co-Founder Resigns Following John Weaver’s ‘Sickening’ Behavior, Cites Diverging Views

(Daily Caller – Marlo Safi) *Lead Story*

Donald Trump Backs Lou Dobbs After Fox Ends Program: ‘Nobody Loves America More’

(Breitbart – Charlie Spiering) *Must Read*

UPDATE: Fox News Addresses Cancelation of Lou Dobbs Tonight

(Townhall – Bronson Stocking)

Democrat candidate claims voting machines switched votes in uncalled Congressional race

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Americans Shouldn’t Be Treated Like ISIS Insurgents

(Reason – J.D. Tuccille) *Must Read*

MSNBC host suggests killing American citizens with drone strikes

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

Price tag of ongoing National Guard presence in D.C. up to $500 million: report

( – Douglas Braff)

FLASHBACK: Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt Was Too ‘Untrustworthy’ for Donald Trump

(Washington Free Beacon – Andrew Stiles)

Exposing the creepy role Mark Zuckerberg played in the 2020 election

(American Thinker – Frank Friday)

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

(Time – Molly Ball) *Must Read*

CNN Finally Acknowledges the Story Media Spread About Officer Sicknick’s Cause of Death Isn’t True

(RedState – Nick Arama)

PolitiFact Warps Reality About Left-Wing Activist Inciting Capitol Riot

(NewsBusters –  James D. Agresti)

Biden: ‘No Need’ For Trump To Still Receive Intelligence Briefings

(Daily Wire – Eric Quintanar)

Supreme Court to consider election lawsuits in February

(Washington Examiner – Nicholas Rowan)

Growing evidence suggests transgender females maintain natural athletic advantages over girls

(Just The News – Daniel Payne)

SPLC’s Partisan ‘Hate Group’ Label For Judeo-Christian Organizations Threatens To Scare Donors Away

(The Federalist – Gabe Kaminsky) *Must Read*

NY Times fires science writer who used the n-word back in 2019 (Update)

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Law professor creates online database targeting ‘critical race training’ schools

(Washington Times – Andrew Blake)

TSA Suggests Fines Up to $1,500 for Mask Violations

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family

(Gateway Pundit – Alicia Powe) *Must Read*

Today’s News 1-20-2021

Posted by
January 20th, 2021

President Trump Has Announced More Than 140 Additional Pardons and Clemencies

(Townhall – Beth Baumann) *Lead Story*

WATCH: President Trump Delivers Farewell Address On Final Night In Office

(Daily Wire – Emily Zanotti) *Must Read*

Trump’s farewell speech and the enduring movement he sparked

(American Thinker – Carole Hornsby Haynes)

On Eve of Trump’s Departure, US Becomes the World’s First Gov’t to Label China’s Actions ‘Genocide’

(CNS News – Patrick Goodenough)

First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele’s 2017 confession to the FBI

(Just The News – John Solomon)

Trump to Leave Office With a Higher Approval Rating Than George W. Bush

(PJ Media – Matt Margolis)

8 Strategies For Exiting The Biden Years Stronger Than The Right Went In

(The Federalist – Joy Pullmann)

‘Very few other good folks’: Free marketer Kudlow lacked allies in Trump administration

(Washington Examiner – Nihal Krishan)

Left Calls for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters

(Brietbart – Joshua Klein) *Must Read*

Text messages show coordination between Seattle officials and the ‘warlord’ of ‘autonomous zone’

(Post Millennial – Ari Hoffman) *Must Read*

Rep. Rosendale: Cheney’s impeachment vote shows its time for new GOP leadership in Congress

( – Annaliese Levy)

Court documents reveal a group of militia members planned their entry to the U.S. Capitol

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Twitter Decries CNN as It Seeks Newsmax Ban

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

Our Post-9/11 Response Deprived Us of Liberty and Didn’t Stop Terrorism. Let’s Not Venerate or Expand It.

(Reason – Scott Shackford)

Predictions of Doom Fall Flat as Virginia Pro-Gun Rally Proceeds Peacefully

(Washington Free Beacon – Stephen Gutowski)

Stephen King hit with backlash for demeaning waitresses in attempt to insult Kayleigh McEnany

(The Blaze – Breck Dumas)

Canadian tribes flip pipeline script by urging Biden not to cancel Keystone XL

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson)

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Urges IRS to Target Turning Point USA’s Tax-Exempt Status

(NewsBusters – Joseph Vazquez)

‘We Need New Leadership In The US Senate’: Sean Hannity Calls On Mitch McConnell To Step Down

(Daily Caller – Brandon Gillespie)

Highlights of the News

( – Don Surber) *Must Read* 

Is a Permanent Stimulus Plan On the Way?

(Rogue Economics – Bill Bonner) *Must Read*

Today’s News 12-31-2020

Posted by
December 31st, 2020

Hawley becomes first senator to declare he’ll object to Biden’s electoral votes

(Washington Times – Dave Boyer) *Lead Story*

Sen. Josh Hawley Slams Walmart Tweet Calling Him ‘Sore Loser’ for Objecting to Electoral College Results

(Breitbart – Kristina Wong) *Must Read*

New study estimates 289,000 election-changing ‘excess’ votes, calls Biden win ‘suspicious’

( – Annaliese Levy)

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

(Townhall – Ann Coulter) *Must Read*

Murder Rate Rose by 37% in U.S. Cities in 2020

(CNS News – Hans Bader)

Poll: 55% of ‘very conservative’ Georgia voters who won’t vote in runoffs say they’ll stay home due to ‘rigged’ process

(The Blaze – Breck Dumas)

More Contagious Coronavirus Strain Detected In Southern California

(Daily Caller – Marlo Safi)

When There Wasn’t Enough Hand Sanitizer, Distilleries Stepped Up. Now They’re Facing $14,060 FDA Fees.

(Reason – Jacob Grier) *Must Read*

The Top Five Most Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

(The Federalist – Frank Miele)

Amid claims of unexplained ballots, Pennsylvania officials unsure how many voted in 2020

(Just The News – Daniel Payne)

No More! Mark Levin Finalizes Departure from Facebook

(NewsBusters – Alec Schemmel)

Iran-Linked Ship to Aid Construction of Contested Russian Pipeline

(Washington Free Beacon – Adam Kredo)

Incriminating facts emerge from a Georgia hearing the media buried

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

Employee Left Hundreds Of Vaccine Doses That Spoiled Out ‘Intentionally,’ Says Wisconsin Health System

(Daily Wire – Eric Quintanar) *Must Read*

Pelosi will seat Miller-Meeks at start of new congress but Democrat’s challenge will continue

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Journalists’ Behavior over Luke Letlow’s Passing Is Abhorrent — and Telling

(National Review – Ellen Carmichael)

Rittenhouse additionally charged with breaking curfew

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Survey: Two-Thirds Unfazed Smart Devices Always Listening

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

A Supreme Court Decision May Cause Democrats’ Sanctuary Policies to Backfire

(PJ Media – Stacey Lennox) *Must Read*

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