It’s NOT A Barbie World (And I’m Not A Barbie Girl)

July 27th, 2023

I think more women need to “speak our truth” as society loves to say. So, here I go. I know I’m not alone. ⬇️
I’ve seen a lot of “explanations” about the Barbie movie. Since I have many followers who aren’t necessarily Christian, I am going to break down my thoughts on those reviews, both with and without a strictly Christian lens.
I haven’t watched Barbie. Bubblegum silliness isn’t my thing, no matter what it’s pushing. I’ve read reviews from both sides. For those who don’t see an underlying message, it may be just cutsie cartoonish entertainment. Although it might mean that you’re missing an agenda being pushed at you, I don’t really have a response to those who see the film that way. I wont tell you what to like… hopefully that’s reciprocated.
For those who do see an underlying agenda, society tries to explain away the message behind this movie by saying that it’s simply showing that Ken and men are oppressed in their world as a mirror image of how women are oppressed here.
They use the movie as a platform to try and “change the world” by forcing men into beta roles and deceiving women into insisting that we be “equal.” Yet they can’t see that “being equal” has led to true biological women having to compete with biological men in every aspect of life, from the corporate office to the Olympics, and even beauty pageants…
Women haven’t only been convinced that they needed equality, they’ve been tricked into demanding that they be treated just like men. Reality has been warped so awkwardly that I’m certain it can never be untwisted without having already been stretched into uselessness.
Men had all of the responsibility. They had to work, worry, pray, and decide for the whole family. And women were convinced that they should be silent, oppressed, and totally dependent. Yes, there WAS a patriarchal society, but even that was a twisted version of what God wanted, or nature intended.
Men were tricked then just like women are now. They were made to believe that they had to do it all, decide it all, choose it all, be responsible for it all.
(But from a Christian viewpoint, that isn’t what Proverbs teaches me about women. The Proverbs woman bought land, made decisions, took care of her family. It wasn’t all on her husband to do. She was the HELPMATE that she was created to be. Somewhere down the line that was twisted until society told women they couldn’t vote, couldn’t buy land, couldn’t decide, and couldn’t function without a man’s permission…and they claimed that this was Biblical.)
Society forced men into a dominant, controlling, and often abusive role. And then society tricked women into wanting to be that twisted version of man.
Now here we are; we have women demanding their right to be just like men and men being told that they should be more like women… and kids who have no idea which gender they are. And society is back again, this time with a Barbie movie, to tell me which role I should take as a woman.
Not everyone will look at this from a Proverbs or Christian point of view, so I will respond like this; I’m just sick of women being told how oppressed we are, how we aren’t allowed to go after what we want… and then the same people who are claiming this will try to decide for me what I am allowed to want. In one breath, you insist that I shouldn’t be told what to do and in the next you’re demanding what I should think and feel.
If a liberal woman really wants a beta male, good for you, go find one. If you wanna be the single alpha female, more power to ya. But don’t try to change the entire world to fit your preferences. Don’t try to make all men fit into your little mold of what you want men to be, and don’t try to force me to be what you are.
I’m perfectly happy over here being the woman I was created to be. I am quite content allowing my husband to lead our home. I am loved, respected, and cherished. The issue isn’t that men are alphas…it’s that those alphas weren’t taught to love, respect, or protect women. (And yet Christianity teaches men to love their wives as Christ loves His church.)
This isn’t a patriarchal society… it’s a society who first taught men that they had to be cold, indifferent, and nonfeeling and then insisted that they be punished for it. And yes, there were some men who became abusive, and no, there is no excuse for it. But now women are taking on that abusive, controlling demeanor, also.
So speak for yourself. Many women are perfectly happy in our “traditional roles.” We can see how horrible things have become since men and women were both pushed out of their natural roles. We understand that not all men become abusive jerks when you allow them to lead. We thrive on being our naturally submissive and nurturing selves with a man who also thrives in his natural role as protector and leader. Don’t tell us what we are allowed to want or who we are allowed to be.
You don’t speak for us.

~Angie Kaye~

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by Angie Kaye

Angie Kaye is a syndicated writer, copywriter, and editor. Specializing in news articles, her work has been featured in Drudge Report and mentioned in a post from Fox News. She has written for Rebellion News since its beginning, as well as VizMedia, EnewsDaily, Thaindian News, and other news sites online. She is the former Senior Copywriter at JDS Marketing, Head Feature Writer & Social Media Manager at Inventor's Showcase Magazine, Editor in Chief of Editorial MOM, Contributing Editor at Entrepreneurweek, Renegade Entrepreneurs, and Sarcastic Mommy. Angie lives in the USA with her husband, John, her dogs, Baloo, Jet, and Axel, her cat, Sammie, five hens, and a rooster.

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