Trump Announces Free Speech Lawsuit Against Big Tech Giants Facebook, Google, Twitter CEOs (Full Video)

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July 7th, 2021

America’s 45th President, along with many others, held a press conference today announcing a class action lawsuit against such names as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, along with Sundar Pichai of Google, stating that the First Amendments rights of himself and thousands of Americans has been infringed upon by big tech and its CEOs.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

~George Washington~

President and CEO of America First Policy Institute, Brooke Rollins, began a news conference this morning at Bedminster by stating that Donald J Trump would be making history today, as he has many times in the past. She reminded viewers of the many times that Trump has stated, “They’re not really after me. They’re after you and the American we know and love, and I am just standing in the way.” Rollins went on to name “the elite, big pharm, the office holders, and the bureaucrats,” as “they,”, and explained that “there is no other topic that they are seeing as a bigger obstacle to achieve their ambitions than the first amendment.” She explained that the first amendment is what allows American citizens to “resist them at every turn.” Rollins then added that it is the first amendment that truly stands between them and us.

“When they try to tell us what to read, the first amendment gets in their way. When they try to tell us what to think, the first amendment gets in their way. When they try to tell us what to believe, the first amendment gets in their way, and when they try to tell us with whom to worship, with whom to associate, with whom to congregate and with whom to be friends, the first amendment gets in their way. It’s no surprise, then, that they want the first amendment gone. They don’t advocate for abolition, of course, they know better than that, but they do advocate for curtailing it into meaninglessness. No where is that more evident than the suppression of first amendment rights online,” Rollins said.

Rollins also shared that what “was just a decade back a mere fiction of paranoid dystopia, a handful of technology companies effectively seizing control of the American public square, is now our own present reality.”

“Against them, this president fights for you, as he always has and he always will” she added, introducing President Trump.

Trump stood before the microphone to announce this important development in the fight for America’s first amendment rights. “Today, in conjunction with the America First Policy Institute, I am filing, as the lead class representative, a major class-action lawsuit against the big tech giants, including Facebook, Google, and Twitter, as well as their CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, and Jack Dorsey; three real nice guys.”

“We’re asking the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies’ illegal, shameful censorship of the American people, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. We’re demanding an end to the shadow banning, a stop to the silencing, and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and cancelling that you know so well.”

“Our case will prove this censorship is unlawful, it’s unconstitutional, and it’s completely un-American… Our filing also seeks injunctive relief to allow prompt restitution, and really, restoration, and you can name about 20 other things, and it has to be prompt because it’s destroying our country. On my accounts, in addition, we are asking the courts to impose punitive damages on these social media giants. We’re going to hold big tech very accountable. This is the first of numerous other lawsuits, I assume, that would follow, but this is the lead and I think it’s going to be a very important gamechanger for our country.”

President Trump explained that our rights and freedoms were “given to us by God and no one should have the right and power to take that away.” Our founding fathers included the right to free speech in our constitution because they knew that free speech would be essential to the prevention of the “horrors” that we are seeing today, and to preserving our republic, according to Trump. He explained that today, this fundamental American right is “under incredible threat and attack by a lot of different sides, but we are the majority side by a lot.”

“Social media has given extraordinary power to a group of big tech giants,” Trump stated, “that are working with government, the mainstream media, and a large segment of a political party to silence and suppress the views of the American people, and they’ve been very, very successful at that; not in all cases, but in many cases, totally successful. While the social media companies are officially private entities, in recent years they have ceased to be private with the enactment and their historical use of section 230, which profoundly protects them from liability. Once they got section 230, they’re not private companies anymore, in a lot of views, No other companies in our country and in our country’s history have had protection like this. It’s, in effect, a massive, government subsidy. These companies have been co-opted, coerced, and weaponized by government and by government actors to become the enforcers of illegal, unconstitutional, censorship.”

Trump pointed out how the CEOs of companies have been hauled in by Democrats to be intimidated and bullied, but yet they’ve “made a deal,” and “all get along nicely now.” Trump added that Democrats have repeatedly told social media companies that if they do not silence the opponents of Democrats and silence conservative voices, there would be consequences. He pointed out that the real disinformation is coming from the left, who recently claimed that the right wanted to defund the police, despite the fact that there are hundreds of videos available of Democrats demanding that the police be defunded. Trump added that the left repeat their narrative lies thousands and thousands of times, until the American people begin to believe it as truth. The mainstream media is a great example of how this tool has been used.

Trump also spoke out against the fact that social media has teamed up with government entities in banning anyone who disagrees with certain “health authorities,” such as the Center for Disease Control. This has led to banning the voices of those who post alternative treatments for Covid19. American’s Frontline Doctors have their own lawsuits for cases such as this, where their qualified and trained physicians were banned and silenced when they offered information on therapeutics that could help in the prevention and treatment of the virus.

Emails between Dr Fauci and Mark Zuckerberg are examples of this type of coercive collaboration, meant to give government entities the power to make health decisions for Americans by hiding vital information from them. How many people have died because they weren’t allowed to make an “informed decision” about their own medical care? How many don’t even realize that this right has been taken from them?

“Through such coordination, the federal government has essentially deputized social media platforms to become the de facto censorship arm of the US government,” Trump pointed out, adding that the fact that they banned a sitting president from being able to speak to the citizens that he serves, and stated, “If they can do it to me, they can do it to anyone.”

Trump also went on to thank his supporters, namely his legal team, including John Coale and the “tobacco lawyers.” He also thanked Brooke Rollins, Linda McMann, and the American First Policy Institute. Anyone who wants to join the lawsuit can get more information at

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by Angela Kaye

Angela Kaye is a Syndicated Writer, Senior Editor, Marketing Copywriter, and more for such companies as JDS Marketing & Salesrepping, Renegade Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurweek, Rebellion News, & you! Twitter @RealAngelaKaye Email

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